November 5, 1971- May 28, 1989
The Clare Fund supports the arts by encouraging young people of the State College (PA) Area School District-SCASD_ to develop their creativity and talents through participation in the visual and performing arts. In addition, this non-profit organization honors the imaginative spirit of the late Clare Dahlia Snetsinger through the Spirit of Clare Award.
Clare Dahlia Snetsinger Awards of Excellence are presented to talented SCASD seniors to encourage their continued involvement in the arts, a passion of Clare's. Applicants’ work is evaluated by a jury of experts who then determine scholarship recipients in visual and performing arts categories. Since the first scholarships were awarded in 1999, past recipients have gone on to successful post-high school education and continuing artistic development.
The Spirit of Clare Award is presented to a student of the Delta Program (Clare's alma mater), who exemplifies the qualities of character, passion, service and scholarship that marked Clare's life.
The scholarship fund was created through the generosity of Craig and Mary Kay Avedesian in 1999 in recognition of Clare’s creativity and humanity. Awards are now supported by a variety of fundraising activities and through personal and corporate donations that can be made at any time. The proceeds go to an endowment, The Clare Dahlia Snetsinger Memorial Art Scholarship Fund, in the Centre County Community Foundation.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Clare Fund or have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact any Board member.
Clare Dahlia Snetsinger Awards of Excellence are presented to talented SCASD seniors to encourage their continued involvement in the arts, a passion of Clare's. Applicants’ work is evaluated by a jury of experts who then determine scholarship recipients in visual and performing arts categories. Since the first scholarships were awarded in 1999, past recipients have gone on to successful post-high school education and continuing artistic development.
The Spirit of Clare Award is presented to a student of the Delta Program (Clare's alma mater), who exemplifies the qualities of character, passion, service and scholarship that marked Clare's life.
The scholarship fund was created through the generosity of Craig and Mary Kay Avedesian in 1999 in recognition of Clare’s creativity and humanity. Awards are now supported by a variety of fundraising activities and through personal and corporate donations that can be made at any time. The proceeds go to an endowment, The Clare Dahlia Snetsinger Memorial Art Scholarship Fund, in the Centre County Community Foundation.
If you are interested in volunteering for the Clare Fund or have questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact any Board member.